Friday, December 19, 2014

5th grade Performs Play In Class

I had the pleasure of visiting Mrs. Giesler's 5th grade class just in time to watch their play. This was not a class assignment.  These kids worked through their recess to memorize lines, create backdrops, and collect props.  They did a magnificent job.

Modeling PE Stations

Ms. Price models each reindeer-themed PE station in the gym.  The kids had a blast.

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Leader of School Hospitality

Meet Nolan, one of our leaders of school hospitality, greeting subs and parents the day before Winter Break.  We love Nolan!

Last Elf on a Shelf Day in 2nd Grade

The elves in 2nd grade all conspired and create a zipline through the hallway last night.  Here's the look on the kids' faces when they realized what had happened.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

A.D.E.W. for Math Communication

Last year we adopted a simple process for clearly and effectively answering word problems in mathematics.  This year, we've really refined our implementation and our kids are demonstrating high proficiency in mathematics as a result.

A.D.E.W. (we say "uh dew") stands for Answer, Draw, Equation, Write.  Students answer the problem in the first sentence.  They then draw a model for their problem to demonstrate their understanding.  They then write the equation they have created for the problem and finally, they write to communicate how and why they solved the problem in the way they did.

Here's photos of group ADEWs from the past week.  Kids completed these ADEWs in Math 212.